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Starpath online Weather Course

The online weather course requires two serial numbers, one for the tuition fee and one for the required materials fee. The required materials is the Starpath Weather Trainer software program. If you already own that program, you need only purchase the tuition fee to take part in the course. There are several purchase options.

(A) Start immediately with a download of the materials
Weather Trainer software download (list $119) + Weather tuition ($49) for a total of $138 (no shipping and save $30 off the sum of the individual prices).
Buy Now, item 1804ec, $138

(B) Same as above with the Weather Trainer software in packaged CD
Weather Trainer software CD package (list $129) + Weather tuition ($49) for a total of $148 plus shipping (save $20 off the sum of the individual prices).
Buy Now
, item 1804c, $158

(C) If you already own the Weather Trainer software program
Weather tuition ($49).
Buy Now
, item 1921, $49

The Weather tuition purchase provides you with a serial number starting 1921-. The Weather Trainer software purchase provides you with a serial number starting 1804-. You will need both of these numbers to register in the weather course and start the lessons.

Once you have both of these numbers you can

Proceed to Registration