...be SAFE | ...be FAST |
The following is a list of shows that we periodically attend:
Please see the calendar for next show that we will attend.
Our software and home study courses will be on display, and a representative of the school will be on hand to answer your questions. In some of the shows we will be giving public talks.
If you are in the neighborhood of one of these shows, please stop in and say hello.
Boat Show Talks by David Burch Electronic Navigation — tips and tricks for the safe, efficient, integrated use of the basic tools (GPS, Radar, and depth sounder) with a discussion of some embellishments (differential GPG and electronic charting). COG, SOG, SOA, CPA, and SO…ON…the new language of navigation, how we can use it… and how we can protect ourselves against it (the role of traditional skills in the satellite age). Making the most of Radar — Rule 19d (paraphrased): "There is no right of way in the fog." We cover what that means, and how to use radar to evaluate the risk of collision, and then how to maneuver according to the rules of the road… and other matters of radar usage that will make your encounters with converging traffic in the fog much less anxious. We start from the basics: Is this target headed straight down the radar screen toward us, someone driving straight at us, or someone we are overtaking? And from there go into more complex encounters. Radar is the most important electronic aid to navigation; we will show why this is true, discussing radar as both navigation tool and collision avoidance tool. Marine Weather — from old sayings to satellites, how to use knowledge of the weather to make your time on the water safer and more efficient. Covers what you can see and measure underway, what you can learn from radio or satellite communications (or cell phone!) underway, and what we can do to plan a day's outing… or an ocean crossing… using Internet resources (see our wx links as a preview). Also includes discussion of live satellite imagery underway, one of the latest developments in this field.