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Required Materials

    The online celestial navigation course requires the same set of materials we use in our classroom and home study courses.

    The package consists of our Course Book, Practice Problems, Tables Selections, Workforms, Plotting sheets, and Practice Voyage. You can see more discussion of this set of materials in our Celestial Navigation Home Study Course section. We also use The Star Finder Book in this course, a copy of which is included with the materials package. That purchase also includes a Navigator's WebCard, which provides access to the online Discussion groups and Resources for a period of 6 months. You also get an automatic 6-month extension to your WebCard when you register for the course.

    Plotting tools required are parallel rulers, dividers, and a protractor. The tools are discussed in more detail in the Lessons that use them and in the general plotting tools section.

    You can purchase these materials online here or at several navigation supply outlets worldwide. The course materials are also available in a printed format alone or in an electronic format alone, which includes a download option. You can use any of the three options for the course (full course, printed version only, electronic version only).

    Note that in either case, the materials package is a complete, stand-alone course in celestial navigation in its own right. These same materials have been used by many thousands of navigators to learn celestial navigation long before we had the online course. The online courses are simply designed to enhance your learning with scheduled assignments that are annotated and explained by an instructor, just as we do in our classroom course, along with direct feedback from fellow students and the instructor on the subjects at hand.

    Click the picture to go to order page.

    Plus these recommendations...

    Click links to order
    Emergency Navigation     2102-D Star Finder

    Note that the Emergency Navigation book is temporarily out of print, and the Star Finder is not used till the latter part of the course, but the main course book materials are needed as soon as you start the course, and you will need the coursebook serial number (starting either 1820- or 1701-) to register for the course. We hope to have an ebook verison of the Emergency Nav book available by mid summer.